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Secrets of the Cave People

(3rd edition now available)

Douglas Dunn
238 pages paperback

From mystery-shrouded caverns deep within the Earth emerges
this fantasy encounter between two divergent civilizations:
one is rich in technological wonders but plagued by violent
terror and social injustice; the other is industrially primitive,
but thrives in an advanced, harmonious social order.
When the cave people of Enrisa come face to face with the Outside world, both cultures must confront strange new wonders.

Dazhan uses this parable, set in a beautiful fantasy land of fluorescent rainbow caverns, gnarled cave-trees and subterreanean ponds and waterflows to illustrate the personal and social applications of the principles of Extro-Dynamics
-- bringing values, goals and desires into harmony
by applying the power of practical compassion in ACTION --
with entertaining models and examples of how it works.

A fun fantasy romantic adventure that demonstrates
HOW TO enjoy the people around us

"Self-improvement in a very tasty form!"

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Two Books in one!

 An exciting fantasy adventure...
 ...practical guidelines for attaining
"Compassionate Joy"
using the background of a fictional romance in a beautiful fantasy paradise to demonstrate success models for achieving personal happiness and social harmony

 Dazhan presents an alternative to "me-first" philosophies, and provides examples of how it works. A step-by-step summary (in a non-fiction Appendix) fully explains the simple four-step model for personal happiness and social harmony
Dazhan offers a pleasant, fantasy fiction adventure to present the same model
that is explained in more depth and analysis in the non-fiction book Extro-Dynamics!

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E-book ISBN: 9780944363065
Title: Dazhan: Secrets of the Cave People
Author: Douglas Dunn

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